Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It has been almost forty years since Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical letter, Humanae Vitae. As we reflect on the question of direct abortion, it would behoove us to review the teachings of the Catholic Church concerning the transmission of human life - - - teachings that are vastly rejected. Imagine! Over eighty percent of American Catholics reject the teachings of Humanae Vitae, the encyclical issued by Pope Paul VI on July 25, 1968, concerning the transmission of human life.

In 1964, the bishops of Vatican II, in the document, Gaudium et Spes, asked Pope Paul VI to settle the question of the contraceptive pill. It was already under study by a special papal commission. Was it really a contraceptive? Did it violate God's unchanged and unchangeable law that each act of contraception is, objectively, a mortal sin. After five years of research, the commission answered that, not only the contraceptive pill, but all forms of contraception could be morally acceptable under certain circumstances.

However, Our Lord did not entrust the Church's Teaching Authority to a commission or to the People of God in general. He entrusted the office of teaching, ruling and sanctifying to Peter and the Apostles. Peter lives today in his successors, the pope, who is the Vicar of Christ on Earth. The Successors of the Apostles, the bishops, must exercise their teaching authority as Vatican II mandates, "with Peter and under Peter."

On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI responded to the request of the bishops in the encyclical, Humanae Vitae. He said that the commission’s findings were not binding. Moreover, they departed from constant Church Teachings. "Therefore, by virtue of the mandate entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, We now render judgment to these grave questions" (HV n.6).

”Based on fundamental principles of human and Christian doctrine concerning marriage. We must again declare that the direct interruption of the generative process already begun, and above all, directly willed and procured abortion, even if it is for therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely rejected as licit means of regulating births" (HV n. 14). Direct abortion never can be justified for any reason whatsoever. At conception, God infuses the person with an immortal soul. Thus, the life of the "fetus" is inviolable. This principle also applies in difficult and trying situations - - - when, for example, a pregnancy results from rape or incest.
”Equally condemned, as the Magisterium of the Church has always taught, is direct sterilization, whether perpetual or temporary, whether of the man or of the woman" (HV n 14). Direct sterilization, under any circumstances is objectively a mortal sin against God and the individual's bodily integrity. Persons who have had a direct sterilization must confess this sin in the Sacrament of Confession.

"Similarly to be totally rejected is every action which, either in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as a means or as an end, to render procreation impossible" (HV n. 14). Thus, the use of all forms of contraception, e.g., the pill, the I.U.D., condoms, premature withdrawal, gels, sponges, various forms of contraceptive injections, are objectively mortally sinful acts

It becomes increasingly difficult to explain these teachings to a society that is becoming more and more pagan. But, Pope Paul VI was clear - - - these teachings of the Church are derived from God's laws over which the Church has no authority to change. Thus, the Holy Father has no power whatsoever to dispense man from God's laws or change them. Man, on the other hand, has no power to dispense himself from divine law by a claim to conscience. For example, God said: "Thou shalt not steal!" Is man free to say, "I have decided to steal because it is good for me? My conscience tells me so." This is an absurdity. Man is bound to obey God's laws, as presented by the Teaching Church. Yet millions of Catholics deceive themselves by false excuses of this nature. Sadly in many cases, they have been encouraged to do so by priests and theologians. Let us not be deceived by these false teachings. Rather, let us live by God’s laws as made known to us by the Teaching Authority of the Church.

Father Richard J. Rego, S.T.L.


From the earliest centuries, the Church has shown special devotion to the Sacred Heart. Our Lord confirmed to Saint Margaret Mary the need for this devotion. In so doing, He made twelve extraordinary promises, which she has conveyed to us.
Think of all of the needs and hardships that come up in life, sicknesses, injuries, spiritual and economic problems, and all kinds of anxieties. Bring them to the Sacred Heart every First Friday. Without doubt, He will hear you.
The human heart is the symbol of love. When Our Blessed Lord appeared to Saint Margaret Mary He showed her His Sacred Heart. He told her that it is filled with love for every human person. Never doubt the Lord's love for you. But never forget that the Lord Jesus longs for you to love Him. It is almost as though He barters for our love with the divine bribe of His promises.

1) I will give them the graces needed for their state in life. 2) I will give them peace in their families.
3) I will console them in their troubles
4) They will find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.
5) I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
6) Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and Infinite Ocean of mercy.
7) Tepid souls shall become fervent.
8) Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.
9) I will bless the homes in which the image of my Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honored.
l0) I will give priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
ll) Those who propagate this devotion shall have their name written in my Heart and it shall never be effaced.
l2) The all powerful love of my Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under My displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour.
If you have not made your nine First Fridays, begin now. Just think! Our Divine Savior promised that you will not die under His displeasure. How wonderful to know that His Sacred Heart will be your assured refuge at the last hour. Place yourself in the loving hands of the Sacred Heart. Whatever crosses, which He asks you to carry, bear them with the sure knowledge that He is your refuge and strength. At the end of your life, He will embrace you with the reward of eternal life. Indeed, this is the bottom line. There is no other. Most Sacred Heat of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Father Richard J. Rego, S.T.L.


Today is the Feast of the Blessed Trinity. The Introit sets the tone of the Mass: ”Blessed be the Holy Trinity and undivided Unity. We will give Him glory because He has shown mercy to us.” Every day we offer all of our prayers, Masses and Sacraments: “In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Constantly we Catholics invoke and praise the Most Blessed Trinity.

In today’s Collect, we confess the true Faith as we acknowledge the glory of the Trinity. We adore the Triune God beseeching Him to defend us “against all adversity.” Saint Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, expresses his wonder and praise: “O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God.” Filled with amazement, Saint Paul searches for words to describe the unfathomable Trinitarian mystery: “Of Him (the Father), and by Him (the Son) and in Him (the Holy Spirit) are all things.”

In the Gospel we read the principal Scripture passage which asserts the Three Divine Persons of the Trinity: “Go...baptize in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them whatsoever I have commanded you.”

For centuries, the Fathers, Doctors and Theologians of the Church have pondered this incomprehensible mystery. In the final analysis, man’s attempt at understanding humbly must yield to faith. We must believe that which Jesus has revealed for He is the Son of God. He can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Trinity Sunday reminds us of God’s splendor and majesty. What are we in comparison to God? Today, when sins of pride abound, we must reflect upon the Blessed Trinity as an antidote to our pride. The pagan culture has many false gods and their accompanying vices. It worships the false god of pop psychology, which has fed man's pride with inordinate notions of "self-esteem." In days of faith, Catholic schools taught students to know, love and serve God. Now we are immersed in our own ego. "Look at how great I am. I can be anyone or do anything I want. I am number one!" We become our own little gods.

Scripture remind us in the Books of Proverbs and Psalms that God hates pride and hears the humble. "Learn of me," Jesus said, "for I am gentle and humble of heart" (Matthew 11: 29). If we are to be like the Lord, true self-esteem must be grounded in humility and not in pride.

Saint Thomas Aquinas say that a well-ordered self-esteem humbly recalls what God has done for us. The Father, the First Person of the Blessed Trinity, has created us. He destined us for eternal life as His adopted sons. When man strayed from God by sin, the Father sent the Son to be our Redeemer. Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. After dying on the Cross and rising from the dead, the Son sent the Holy Spirit. He is the Third person of the Blessed Trinity, the Spirit of Truth, who sanctifies us and maintains the Catholic Church in truth and love.

Saint John says: "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God! Yes! That is what we are" (1John 3: 1)! Of ourselves, we are nothing. But in God's love, we have the infinite worth of having become sons of God. See how God loves us!

In the Communion Prayer of today’s Mass we humbly pray: “Bless the God of Heaven and before all the living we will praise Him because He has shown His mercy to us.”

On this Trinity Sunday, let us fall on our knees in adoration along with Our Blessed Mother, the Angels, Archangels, and the whole heavenly host. Let us worship the One True God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. SANCTUS! SANCTUS! SANCTUS! Lord God of power and might. Heaven and earth are filled with your glory! Amen!

Father Richard J. Rego, S.T.L.