Tuesday, July 12, 2005


On Tuesday, July 26, the Church honors Saints Joachim and Anne, the Parents of Mary, Our Blessed Mother. What a wonderful feast it is for the old venerable couple is an inspiration to all! We feel as though they are part of our own families.

The Scriptures have revealed nothing of their lives to us, not even their names. All that we know comes completely from pious tradition. Yet, for centuries Catholics have revered the holy couple. With a “Catholic eye,” we perceive their love for God, for each other and for their wonderful daughter, Mary.

Like us, they were ordinary people who led day-to-day, simple lives. There were no extra-ordinary accomplishments. Too often, I believe, we associate sanctity solely with marvelous miracles, great deeds, converting nations to Christ, and the like. Yes! Some saints have done this! However, most did not! For this reason, the Church has always exhorted us to sanctify our lives by fidelity to our state of life.

Joachim and Anne did precisely this; their lives were filled with holiness. They obeyed the Law of Moses in all of its moral and ceremonial precepts. When Anne prayed to be delivered of her infertility of many years, God answered her.

Behold how God blessed them! Mary, the child who God sent, was to be the Mother of the Messiah. Their own daughter was, as the scriptures tell us, “the apple of the Father’s eye.”

Nothing would have indicated to them that their child would be the mother of the promised Messiah. Although Mary’s profound love of God and her totally virtuous life were apparent to all, how could they have suspected that one day their own daughter would be called, The MOTHER OF GOD? Yes! God blesses us, His people! His blessings are beyond our wildest imaginings.

Saints Joachim and Anne are a compelling example of Catholic piety. They inspire us to live holy lives. Their influence in heaven is beyond measure for they are the Parents of Mary, The Mother of God. Saints Joachim and Anne! Pray for us!

Fr. Richard J. Rego, S.T.L.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Father,

Thank you for illuminating the Grandparents of Our Lord! They are so often glossed over and forgotten, very sadly! It doesn't appear that so many people have thought deeply about how absolutely perfect they must have been themselves to have been given by God the grace of being the parents of Mary who as she herself confirmed through her appearance to St Bernadette was Immaculately conceived. But also, as you rightly say, Sts. Joachim and Anne are so kindly that they feel like they could be one's own wise elder family members.

The Orthodox close every service with praise of "The Holy Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna", and I wish we Catholics would call the same attention to their importance.

12:57 PM  

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